
2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000155777 – DigiOmica

DigiOmica Results

Leadership is defined by results not attributes.

Peter Drucker


DigiOmica: Tangible results

(i) A review of Education 4.0 (EDU 4.0) main characteristics for the desired skills of graduates

The results of this review which is the first step in the DigiOmica journey are used in adapting the DigiOmica curriculum based on the use of advanced technology and automation in environmental studies, as well as the DigiOmica scheme and methodology which are integral part of the DigiOmica digital platform.


(ii) Innovative multilingual blended content in the Integrated Environmental Omics (DigiOmica) curriculum

The DigiOmica curriculum is structured in modules / case studies for theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the project-specific area. The approach is enriched with visuals and simulations for presenting the peculiarities of biological resources and defining the applications and sustainability of the technology. The Integrated Environmental Omics curriculum comprises:

Part I. Environmental omics

Module 1: Genomics: environmental DNA and sampling

Module 2: Transcriptomics: addressing ecological niches

Module 3: Advanced environmental proteomics

Module 4: Metabolomics: study microorganisms’ response to environmental stressors

Module 5: Integrated omics in ecotoxicology

Module 6: Environmental database and bioinformatics

Part II. Omics application in environmental context

Module 7: Microbial gene transcripts in environmental samples

Module 8: Genomics approach to develop soil biomarkers

Module 9: Omics in aquatic toxicology

Module 10: Air pollution genomics

Module 11: Omics techniques for biotechnological applications


(iii) The DigiOmica Catalogue of new teaching, learning, and assessment forms and Student ToolKit

The DigiOmica Catalogue covering new teaching, learning, and assessment forms for teachers in higher education is aimed at meeting EDU 4.0 objectives and covers the applicable teachers’ skills and competencies. The result includes the DigiOmica Student Toolkit which is a comprehensive set of guidelines for students with instructions on how to develop studying skills and achieve academic success.


(iv) The DigiOmica digitally-based education (DBE) scheme

The DBE scheme is based on EQF/NQF/ECTS principles and involves modular content organized in Learning Outcomes (LOs). The DigiOmica DBE scheme structures the collaborative blended learning following the Learning Outcomes-based approach.

The Learning Outcomes (LOs) are multilingual statements for knowledge, skills, autonomy/responsibility to fit the subject-specific context of the educational resources. The Units of Learning Outcomes are logical chains formulated to reflect the target groups diversity, while the Customized Learning Pathways (CLPs) are individual learning scenarios matching EQF levels 6, 7 and 8 and end-users’ profiles which are oriented toward target groups and offer knowledge, skills, and competence leading to qualification upgrading.

The ECTS grading scale and credits allocation scheme is used for (self)assessment along with tools for weighting the acquired knowledge/skills.


(v) The DigiOmica digital platform

The DigiOmica digital platform for blended, equitable, and innovative education in environmental omics hosts the multilingual academic courses and assignments in integrated omics for environmental sustainability which are part of the DigiOmica curriculum. The platform:

  • Follows the DigiOmica DBE scheme for collaborative learning arrangement
  • Functions in a digital environment, and
  • Is structured on the educational pillars, namely:
    • DigiOmica Learning Outcomes-based digitally-enhanced learning model consisting of Learning Outcomes, Units of Learning Outcomes;
    • DigiOmica Customized Learning Pathways oriented towards target groups qualification and upgraded on EQF/NQF/ECTS principles;
    • ECTS grading scale and credits points;
    • Guidance manuals for learning enhancement.

DigiOmica: Intangible Results

The intangible results of DigiOmica covers the strategy, guidance approach, and tools for piloting and valorisation of the results, involving:

  • Procedures, tools, and measures for quality control and monitoring
  • Evaluation of project activities and results;
  • Concept and guidelines for project results piloting;
  • Strategy, tools, and channels for sharing and promoting project results.