
2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000155777 – DigiOmica

DigiOmica Horizons

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.

Margaret Fuller


The DigiOmica Innovative Value

In content:

  • Introduction of trends in core technology for environmental omics that are associated with the economic and social development of the European Union
  • Ongoing defiance in the 3D digital design of the higher education curriculum, its innovation, and application.
  • Focus on the added value in linking life sciences and technologies.

In design:

  • Exchange of good practices and boosting digital competencies.
  • Sharing information among the partners on the innovative learning schemes.
  • Collecting information from the EU Skills Panorama database to show updated and forecasting skills supply and labour market needs.
  • Employing digital design and cloud technology for learning materials.
  • Testing innovative ICT practices in environmental omics education.
  • Implementing innovative approaches for use of digital databases.
  • Offering blended learning tools, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, permanent online support of the curriculum and cloud-based digital resources, workshops on parts of the curriculum, networking
  • Using of DigiOmica materials by young graduates.

In concept:

  • The EQF/NQF/HE principles are followed in elaboration of the educational scheme, the curriculum and the assessment instruments (EUROPASS and EQF)
  • The learning scheme is pilot tested following indicators for qualification evaluation.
  • Innovative competencies in the field of DigiOmica are defined.
  • Specific occupational profiles through EQF/NQFs and ESCO qualification standards are defined within the structure of the curriculum, along with competency levels.
  • Transparency and comparability are ensured to answer the need for prior learning validation.
  • Quality management is applied to the new content respecting the quality assurance principles.
  • A cross-border certification, facilitating student mobility, is arranged.

The DigiOmica Synergy

The understanding that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is the essence of the project’s motivation. Thus, the synergy between DigiOmica and different fields of education, training, youth and sport is generated at various levels while the DigiOmica partners work together on value production. The strategies to build such synergy are:

  • Start with communication,
  • Foster trust and collaboration,
  • Set group norms intentionally.

The anticipated synergic outcomes strive to:

  • Sustain the priorities of the Erasmus+ program;
  • Create positive and durable effects on the participating organizations and the European policy;
  • Result in the innovative practices development, transfer, and implementation at organizational, local, regional, national, or European levels.

Exploring the partnership approach, the DigiOmica project is exposed to broad educational platforms – such as EUCIS-LLL, Culture Platform and Culture Action Europe, CoVEs, CEDEFOP, EPALE, EHEA – with a significant synergic effect. The DigiOmica shares opportunities for widening access to culture and education, fostering social inclusion, and bridging together formal, non-formal and informal learning.

DigiOmica activities contribute to enhancing synergy and impacting EU strategies and policies through:

  • Innovation of the digital learning environment of DigiOmica targets to acquire transversal skills
  • Operation of a cross-training programme in an open environment at the national and EU level
  • Enhancement of information flow between working parties at different levels across the research and innovation, and education sectors
  • Performance of meetings, exchanging learning experiences, addressing topics linking research, innovation, and education
  • Popularization of the DigiOmica actions referring to themes converging various fields of education, training, youth and sport
  • Actively involving stakeholders from all economic and social sectors
  • Valorisation at the EU level across different fields of education, training, youth, and sport through the engagement of social and cultural actors.

The DigiOmica Added Value

The added value brought by DigiOmica reflects the broader European relevance and significance of the actions presenting models and mechanisms applied regionally, nationally, and EU widely. The European added value defines the responsibility in the performance of educational policies to determine the actions per the project work plan, help evaluators during the testing process, assess final results, and evaluate the programme’s impact. The project results that can bring added value are measured through the:

Determining the prior performance of trainees via ECTS-relevant assessment

– Collecting data about other characteristics of the trainees and their eligibility

– Using a statistical model (prior and current performance, trainees’ characteristics, etc.) to determine the programme performance at the end of a learning period assessment

Comparing the trainee’s performance to the model’s prediction for a typical trainee with these characteristics.

The DigiOmica added value at European level is determined by the “share and exchange” process in which the learning and social culture of all participants is enhanced because the target groups comprise persons of different professional backgrounds, ages, and origins. To support the relevant actions, the DigiOmica consortium engages experts in varying contexts to get involved in the multilateral framework for bringing excellence in higher education in the field of omics technology.


The DigiOmica Impact

The DigiOmica impact is measured against its effect on the target audience, organizations, and their external economic, political, and social environment and covers all project activities – from routine monitoring of outcomes, to resource intensive assessment. The DigiOmica approach measures various indicators, such as:

  • individuals’ progress over time;
  • an organization’s performance against benchmarks or quality standards;
  • impact on specific sectors of the economy, environment, or society.

Impact measurement, however, requires careful planning. The internal/external evaluation methods measure the programme’s impact, and the influence level expected, through:

  • Qualitative indicators:
    • Use of qualifications recognition strategy in the target sector
    • Stipulation of instructions for e-media utilization
    • Building of the DigiOmica learning environment
    • Arrangement of standardized user-centred HE learning modes
    • Application of DigiOmica digital platform for new learning modes generation
    • Working ECTS credit plan for evaluation of the study curriculum
    • Provision of DigiOmica pilot learning
    • Approbation and evaluation/validation of project results
    • Establishment of a sectoral network
    • Embedding of project results in related sectors
    • Organization of DigiOmica national workshops
    • Cluster activity with relevant programs for further development/application of e-education modes
    • Preparation of multilingual promotional materials
  • Quantitative indicators:
    • 15 good practices implemented for the DigiOmica curriculum
    • A multilingual digital platform in operation with approbation of its functioning
    • A guide for the operation of the digital platform
    • A curriculum using through online/offline learning methods
    • 11 Learning Outcomes
    • 5 piloting events at the sectoral level
    • 100 – 120 trainees from Bulgaria, Spain and Türkiye to be tested
    • 5 workshops with the participation of direct and indirect target groups
    • A brochure, 2 leaflets, 2 flyers, a placard, 2 newsletters, 2 presentations, and other promotional materials


The principal DigiOmica results will be made accessible beyond the funding period. The partners will benefit in the long-term because of the innovation prospects it offers for:

  • Modernization of the educational curriculawith new knowledge and skill set in the environmental omics area and ICT-assisted teaching and learning modes.
  • Exploiting the full capabilityof the digital platform and its auxiliary tools assisting in the b-learning process.
  • Continuous accessto the project knowledge content database.

The results to be used after the project ends, are:

  • The DigiOmica digital platform – due to its feasibility and accessibility without spatial and temporal limitations as a hub of the main results.
  • The DigiOmica educational resources – their multilingual character will help for them to be further implemented to offer learning in the DigiOmica field in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • Strategies for approbation, sharing and promotion – to be used by all partners, as a closed-loop approach for verification of the applicability of the results both nationally and internationally, through promotional materials, events, and channels targeting project direct target groups and stakeholders.


The activities to be implemented after the project’s end comprise:

  • Keeping active the project digital platform:constant information flow about subject specific innovations, educational and career information to support beneficiaries in their search for specialized learning in the project field;
  • Implementation of the Learning Outcomes-based approach in the formal educational settingsin the project consortium, supported by representatives of informal settings to share the activities by distribution of information and materials;

Joint activities arrangements with other national and EU programmes, already known and exploited by the project members, to open further prospects for use of the DigiOmica results.